IX. Academic Progress

1. Academic Suspension

Any conditionally admitted graduate student who fails to maintain a GPA of “B” or better in his/her first 12 credit hours of graduate-level work will automatically be subject to Academic Suspension (dismissal) from the program and the Graduate School. However, a student who satisfies the condition automatically gains the status of a regularly admitted graduate student. If the 12 hours are completed in a term in which the total credits exceed 12, the evaluation is made on the basis of all graduate-level work completed at the end of that term of enrollment.

Any student who receives two graduate course grades of “C” or lower will automatically be subject to Academic Suspension (dismissal) from the program and the Graduate School.

Students who are academically suspended may not attend class or enroll in any form of distance learning courses.

2. Reinstatement

A person seeking reinstatement to the same degree program after being academically suspended from the Graduate School can initiate consideration for reinstatement by communicating with the academic department or program from which the person was dismissed. The graduate faculty of the academic unit will consider the request for reinstatement and, if the faculty request reinstatement, they will identify in a written request to the dean of the Graduate School the compelling reasons for reinstatement and the conditions required of the student if reinstatement is granted by the dean of the Graduate School.

3. Incompletes

A grade of “I” (Incomplete) is evaluated as an “F,” and must be removed within two weeks during the next term of enrollment if the student’s overall grade point average drops below a “B” as a result of the incomplete grade. Also, a student who fails to remove an incomplete grade by the end of the following semester in which it was received will not be allowed to register for additional courses toward the degree.

4. Withdrawal from a Course

A student who desires to withdraw from a course may do so, with the approval of the Director of Graduate Studies in Criminal Justice, during the period allowed for dropping a class. It is the student’s responsibility to consult the semester’s schedule for the specific date by which one may drop a course. Contact the Director of Graduate Studies in Criminal Justice for additional information about withdrawing from a course.

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